Friday Night Picnic in the Park....

The finale of our Quilters Affair week.... Picnic in the Park.... The amazing Jennifer Keltner the editor of American Patchwork and Quilting will be speaking. Going to be a great evening!!!!

If your in town tomorrow I have cleaned out my fabric stash, 14 years and 25 collections later it is time to get rid of some of my fabric. Even done from my first collection. It will all be for sake behind the Stitchin Post!!!!


Friday Night Picnic in the Park....

Friday Night Picnic in the Park....

Friday Night Picnic in the Park....

The new sewing patterns....

Hello my friends.....first and foremost THANK YOU to all of our service men and women! We are lucky to have you.....

Now, as the end of May arrives and the weather is only 62...I mean really, our spring has been SO cold and icky!! Good thing I have so much to do and I can't really be outside anyway.....

Taking a quick break from drawing to show you the new sewing cards....

This is Betsy...named after the old Cadillac in the photograph. We have this wonderful Wine Bar in Sisters (Cork Cellars - if you ever make it to town) and Betsy is the owners car...Carolyn and I were able to take it out and shot some photos with the ol' girl.....too fun! The quilt is made out of the Wrenly Cotton Voile but the simple design could be used for a variety of fabrics. It is a twin size...I thought it would be a fantastic dorm quilt, easy yet looks so cool!!

Bird's Eye View is a great quilt that utilizes a large print and solids. I used the Wren Gypsy fabric and picked solids to accent the colors in the fabric and used a white so that the background would flow. It looks complicated but the solids and background fabric are put together with a simple formula which takes away all the little piecing of the squares.

This quilt was very popular at market....I was plesently surprised.

Most of you have heard about my Little Wallet pattern....well, this is the big sister, Little Cell Phone Wallet.  The design is longer and has a pocket on the back with a snap to put your cell phone in. I also added the option of a strap...which is nice for when you just want to go out with a few things and not your whole purse.

AAHHHH, the sweet Wish Bird....she is a gem. Easy construction with a pocket on the top that you can place a wish. The bird is a great way to start embroidery and play with beads, these accent the bird and make her a one of a kind gift. A more adult stuffed animal for all of us who still love stuffies and want to having something special in our home.

Mina Bag....this is your new favorite bag! SO, easy to construct and the perfect size. I really played with sizing, just big enough for all your stuff but not so big you feel like you are packing a diaper bag. The handles are the perfect length to have the bag on your shoulder but still get your hand in to find you cell phone or keys. I made the one on the cover with home decorator fabric from Wrenly and the accent fabric is my cotton linen, Jenaveve.

There you go....the new sewing cards. I really feel strong about these patterns, they are great projects yet not overly priced....ranging from $4 - $6 retail, can't beat that.

I will show you the new clothing patterns in the works soon......

Have a great day...back to drawing.



PS Wrenly should be up on our site for Pre-Sales soon! I will let you know....

Quilt Market photos....finally!

Ohi Vey.....I have been playing catch up since I have been home from market....catch up with the family. I missed them so much. Catch up with the shop and the studio and, and, and, and!!! Never ending I guess. Market was excellent! We had so much fun putting Wrenly's Place together and showing her to everyone that attended. Thanks to all my friends that came by the booth!!

So here you go....

The party in the booth before we packed it all up...I don't think the garage was every that fun!

Loved having my friends haning out in the booth chatting and relaxing.

and now for set up.....

Here is the booth....

Tomorrow there will be some details....

Have a great day!



Fabric Cave.....


I've been in the fabric designing cave for the past few weeks. Working on my fall collection of fabric! I am really excited about it and can't wait to show you but it will have to wait until I get some samples. It is amazing how I am working on this fabric but at the same time thinking about my booth for Spring Market and the Wrenly collection that is coming out this spring. So many things to think about and so many ideas! Oh thank god for the ideas....there are times in my life where I wonder if I am going to be able to come up with another collection or another quilt or another booth but then when it comes down to it I do! It is all so exciting these days with the work I am doing and there are times that I can't believe it is real! I have struggled for years with lack of confidence in my work and myself and finally I am getting there. Getting to the place that every artist dreams of, the land of confidence!!!

While I have been in the "cave" I have had lots of help from my kitties...they follow me everywhere when I am in the studio. When I was taking a break from drawing (my wrist has been aching)) I shot a couple of photos of the kitty helpers.
Lilly is not much help so she sleeps and purrs SO LOUD! Gotta love a purring happy kitty...I just wish I could nap with her.
Leo on the other hand is very frisky and he runs around harassing Sophie as much as possible. I think she secretly loves it.
Even though she acts like she is pissed off and being put out by the kittens! She also likes to eat my erasers on my pencils when I am not looking......not sure how good that is for her digestion.

I am not very good at being idle so there are a ton of projects going on in the girlfriend Andrea told me I need an intervention! She is probably right or maybe just an assistant!!! Anyhow, we have a new quilt contest with Quilt Show this year, Small Wonders. I really wanted to make a quilt for the contest, so this is what I have started....
The contest will benefit Quilt Show and our Parks and Rec in town. I am so excited to help SPRD (Sisters Parks and Recreational District) they have do so much for our community and our children in the community. We are hoping to get some of the kids to make some quilts for the contest.

I have attached some information from the Quilt Show web site for the Small Wonders contest just in case any of you would like to enter....I love the idea - it is like making doll quilts, they can't be smaller than 18" or bigger than 24". OH, so attainable for someone like me!!! It is fun to work on something like this nothing to do with my fabric but everything to do with my community and my family.

Well, back to the cave and the kitties!!



The Stitchin’ Post and Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show challenge you to create a "Small Wonder” quilt and donate it for a fundraiser benefiting Sisters non-profit organizations. These Small Wonders will be between 18” and 24” in size. The quilts will be displayed at the Sisters Library during the month of May where visitors will vote for their favorite. Prizes totaling $500.00 will be awarded and the quilts will be displayed and sold during Quilt Show in July. Proceeds from the Challenge will be divided between the show and Sisters Park & Recreation District which provides much needed recreational opportunities that benefit the health and wellness of the Sisters community, especially our youth. For rules and entry information click here. Quilts are due by April 15th

Jenaveve photo shot day 1...

I'm sitting in Salt Lake City airport waiting to go home from market and I thought I would share our photo shot we did last week with Jenaveve. As you might remember I received the fabric on Monday.


The lovely, colorful box from is so fun to open up the sample yardage boxes and see your hard work come to life in fabric.

Tuesday morning.....

Three Creeks lake the location for Jenaveve photo shot. It is so beautiful at the lake that day. Knowing that we only had a couple of days before the weather turned.....No one was at the lake and the water was perfectly still, clear, and cold.

Mom, Carolyn and I started scouting out the beach area for photo opportunities....


Mom decided since she had her camera that she would take "behind the scenes" photos....kinda fun, huh?


We laid out all 15 pieces of lovely cotton linen....oh so soft and yummy! I envisioned (with some help of Carolyn's brilliant mind) a clothes line of the fabric blowing in the to find the trees to tie the rope onto.



It took some time to get all of the fabric on the rope....I didn't realize how heavy the fabric would be it really weighted down the line. But we did conquer it!

This was the final outcome...there were tons of photos taken but this is my favorite. As we were scouting out the area we noticed so many great possibilities for photos with the fabric.....the colors of the area were perfectly neutral. Does that make sense?


I love using my creates the soft affect on the edges. You can move and tilt the lense to pick your sweet spot. Too much fun!


The greens.....


Teal and grey.....

This print is the Tribal Floral...I just love it. I'm thinking that some pillows need to happen or maybe a chair...just have to find a chair to cover. Not like we have a lot of room for another chair....maybe something small. Anyway, I digress...

The reds......isn't it just perfect with the red of the stump?

There are a lot of rock "studies" going on up at the lake....I love taking photos of what others have left.

Around 2 p.m. we decided that to sew up as much of the projects on the list as we could knowing that Wednesday was going to be beautiful. Carolyn and I heading to my studio to make a skirt, quilt, bag and some pillows. Mom would come by later and pick up some of what we couldn't get was going to be fast and furious.

Carolyn and I had so much fun sewing and getting time to just be together. We hadn't spent time like this in ages....did I mention that we recently adopted two kittens and a puppy. Yep, chaos in the Kennedy house. But fun all the same....Carolyn had a heck of a time getting the skirt cut out with Lilly attacking the tissue.....

The final result for the postcard for Market ended like this.....

1Jenaveve Postcard
The back had swatches of all the designs and then we stapled a swatch of the fabric to the card. I thought that it would be good to have the fabric on the card. We are such a tactile group of people once you feel the fabric you will want it!

Tomorrow I will share the photos we shot with all of the projects...yep we even got them all done! Giving ourselves a big pat on the back......

Now I must catch a plane home. I can't wait to see the family!! YEAH!



Kindergarten Quilts....

Earlier this month I was asked to help with a fund raiser for Sisters Elementary School. That was fine and good but I only had a couple of weeks to get a project done for both the A.M. and P.M. class. The tradition for the Green and Gold Gala is for us to use the kids in the class to help create something that the parents would want to bid on at the Gala. Something fabulous of course! Well, the easiest thing I could think of was a quilt besides I just didn't have any other ideas on such a spur of the moment request. My friend, Julie offered to help me, thanks goodness!

We went to the classes and took the hand prints of the students and then started sewing.....
I picked solids to play off the fun, creative, exploration of Kindergarten. Then the technique was inspired by my mom and her free form piecing. It was so fun to just sew without a pattern or having to write a pattern for the quilt.

We sell these rolls of solid fabrics in the shop in soft, bright and dark color palettes. I picked the bright and soft to play with in the quilts.

Miss Sophie had to come and lay in the strips while we were quilting. I have to say the best of doing this project was getting to have Julie in the studio. We had such a wonderful time chatting and sewing.....need more of those days in my life. It is amazing what having some girl time can do to your attitude!

The finished quilt for Olivia's class, A.M. I wrote all of the kids names next to their hands so that they could find their hand-print. Mom has already decided she wants this quilt....she is going to be out of town on the night of the Gala so she is sending John.....He loves auctions!

This is the P.M. class. I love that they are different from each other, the shape and construction. It makes me happy to be a part of this and that the quilts ended up as good as they did. I was hoping that my idea would work. It is always nice when that happens, don't you think?

When I took them in on Monday, Mrs. Kamrath loved them...she wanted to know how much she was going to have to "fork" out to get them. That was a huge compliment to me.....we will see on November 6th how much we can raise for the school!!! With all of the budget cuts in our district it is amazing that we even have a kindergarten. It is so frustrating to see our schools suffer, well I should say our kids suffer. Our little town is lucky because the community is so supportive but we still struggle.

Anyway, have got to head out to the last soccer practice of the year....and potluck that we do with our friends after soccer practice. We are hoping to continue the pot is a great excuse to get together and the kids have a blast!



Quilting Arts TV....

Mom and I are heading to Cleveland to tape two programs each for Quilting Arts TV. Should be fun.... I will share more of what we are doing when I can. I shot these photos as we flew into Portland at 6 a.m.
Now off to the Chicago flight!
Have a great day!

Quilting Arts TV....

Quilting Arts TV....

Quilt Show morning....

HELLO....I have some Quilt Show photos for you....I have been editing and have around 50 photos to share today...maybe I will break it up into two posts. And there are more to was a great show this year.

But first I must share a photo from our Birthday Bash last night....Miss Violette Grace turned 3 on Wednesday, my birthday is tomorrow - 37- and my girlfriend Andrea is having her birthday on Tuesday so we (Andrea and I) threw ourselves a party....we did have a bit of help from the fam. She just had her baby 3 weeks ago so it was a great time for her to get out and drink some sangria!!


I made us Daisy crowns for the evening....there was fun had by all....there were lots of babies and kids it was just perfect! Now onto the show.....

As with every year I start with the fireman. How can you not they are a great beginning to the day. 

They even take photos of themselves on Quilt Show day. 

Then off to work hanging quilts. 

Our quilt challenge this year was "inspired by Jean"....I did not get a quilt done this year. But we had great quilts from the gals at the shop.... 

Some more of the early morning helpers... 

First thing in the morning - 7:30 am - the streets are pretty quite as the quilts go up all over town. 

I loved this quilt hanging off the top of the railing... 

The local "taxi" that took people to the Art Works building where there were lots of quilts and art. I don't think I ever made it there on Saturday. Next year. 

LOVE this intersection of Cascade and Elm mom always hand picks a quilt for the wagon and goes down first thing in the morning and places it.
I love this quilt.... 

He doesn't look too happy at this time, I hope his day got better!
As you can see work in progress....or someone forgot the ladder.
Our wonderful worker/volunteer bees......We are so lucky to have them.

Those of you who don't know mom places every quilt. She looks at each one and make sure it has a special place. I think that is part of what makes our show so unique. 

These are a series of basket quilts from a challenge - mom wanted to make sure they were all together. 

A bit of a different basket the contemporary fabric used.
This quilt my mom and aunt made together and this is the woman who bought it....she was SO excited when we walked by and she was able to get a photo with mom. 

 I thought this was a very interesting quilt it reminded me of a painting rather than a quilt.
This is a series of Log Cabins from our dear friend Katie Pasquini Masoupust and her family. Katie has come and taught for us at Quilter's Affair numerous times.
There were a couple of them that were made for Katie's niece that was pregnant - she didn't know about it until they took her to the building where they were displayed. Very cool..... 

I will end this post with these amazing quilts by Joanne Myers - she was our inspirational instructor this year.

More tomorrow......

Have a great night!!!


PS I have been meaning to tell you that I am now on Twitter....if you would like to follow me @valoriwells

One of these days I will figure out how to get the little icon on my blog so you can just click on it....

Picnic in the Park...

I have finally had a few minutes to edit some of the photos that I took on Friday night - aaahhh two weeks ago July has been a long couple of weeks. Recovery from Quilt Show, traveling to Mom's Hall of Fame and now birthday's. Vi had her third birthday yesterday. She was awfully cute about it....they did a big party for her at daycare and then we did a picnic in the back yard for dinner...with presents of course! I am hoping that three is a little easier than two. New trials and tribulations I am sure but my hope is that she will get better at explaining herself and understanding us. It is always an adventure with kids....right?!?!

Now back to Friday Night....our annual Picnic in the Park. With 800 picnickers (is that even a word) and lots of others around the park to see our employee challenge quilts and the retrospective that was MC'd by our good friend Alex Anderson.

I can't seem to do a blog without some cute photos of the fam.....
She was throwing fabric into the air and catching way to play with fabric. It looked like fun!
Vivi taking a rest on Grandma Jo.....we are so very thankful for Grandma Jo (Ross' mom) during this week she is a life saver....maybe  a mommy sanity saver!
Ross knew when he married me that he would be a part of Quilt Show - a big part. He helps out so much and is always happy to do it. I am very lucky!!! 

Mom, Liv and Frank...he is one of our awesome locals. I love that the locals come and enjoy the events and don't always run and hide for the week..... 

The one and only Bari J. I so enjoyed getting to know Bari and I am looking forward to working with her again.... 

A couple of our teachers the connection of knitting and quilting. 

Part of the crowd!
Ricky Timms and Alex Anderson....and now for some quilts....
One of Alex's quilts out of my fabric....
LOVE this one of Smith Rock state our back yard!
Well, that is all I have for now....I hope to get the Quilt Show day photos done least some of them.



Good Morning...

Olivia, John, my brother, nephew and I are heading to Indianapolis to see mom being inducted into the Quilter's Hall of Fame. Should be fun.... Had to include an early morning (5am) shot of the mountains and a quilt in progress of mom' s....
Have a Great Day!!!

Good Morning...

Good Morning...

Check this out...

I just got an email about the show... Our local paper The Nugget has a great video of the show Check it out it will give you a great idea of the show... Just makes me smile!!

Check this out...

Quilt Show Day...

This is a photo that I tried to post on "the day" but for some weird technical reason nothing showed up even though it said it published.... Anyhow, slowly recovering and I hope to get my photos downloaded today.
I have a sick little man not sure what is going on...I know he has another tooth coming in but the fever and his lack of eating along with icky diapers makes me think there is something else going on. Not to mention he hasn't slept longer than an hour in the past 24 hours. I just feel so bad for the little guy.
Well, off to tackle the day!!!

Quilt Show Day...

Getting ready...

We are gearing up for Quilt Show next week. This Saturday starts with the Fiber Arts Stroll, then Monday is the first day of classes. Seems like it has come up so fast!
Ross was out of town all last week for a class and I had the kids. We really had a great week. Teague started crawling... My life has changed forever!! Good thing he is still slow. The girls were so helpful and good for me we went and saw Toy Story 3 last night. Girls night out! We had fun!!
Well off to the day!!! Lots to do before the crazy fun week!

Getting ready...

Getting ready...

Quilt Show 2009 Part 3.......

The studio is roasting......I have a bunch of fans up there since the girls are coming over tonight for a sew night. Now, I just have to figure out what I am going to work on. I really try to work on fun things when they are over - no work - sew and just have a little girl time. There have been a lot of "softies" books coming into the shop and I have been fascinated by them. I think I might just make one Owl. I just think it would be fun to make some funky softies - maybe the guardians of the studio.....
Ok, totally distracted by that.....what about some more photos of the show. This last series is from walking around town and the teacher tent.
This years Quilt Show Challenge was the Power of Red.....we had some great quilts.






Phyllis Johnson was our Featured Quilter this year. She is local andmakes her quilts for her family - mostly the grand kids. They are very beautiful quilts.











Here are some of the quilts in the Teacher tent.....unfortunately I do not know everyone's quilt or did I get a photo of all of them.....sorry.











The final was a great year with over 1300 beautiful quilts. I am off to tidy up the studio and plan something to sew on.....
Have a great day!

Quilt Show 2009 Part 1........

So many photos so little time. I really want to give you a good selection of photos so I have been spending time resizing and organizing......this will be the first series......had to get at least a few up for you. Here we go....starting with Friday night. For the shop and Quilter's Affair Friday Night Picnic in the Park is the finale to our week of classes and lectures. This year Freddy Moran and Gwen Marston gave the lecture. We actually have about 800 picnicees (is that even a word) in our Village Green Park and others can come and picnic on their own to see the lecture. The High School Jazz Band plays music, the track team and rally squad serve dinner. We could not do it without the kids and their parents help. It is amazing how the community comes together to create such a great event. For the kids it is a great fundraiser and for us we don't have the stress of making sure everyone gets their food and water and is taken care of. At the picnic we always show our Employee Challenge quilts - this year the challenge was to be inspired by the Gee's Bend Quilters. The Gee's Bend ladies also sung at the was wonderful! What a great night!
The crowd.....after dinner.
Hanging out with the ladies of Gee's Bend......
Miss Vi dancing to the music......
Can't help but put a few photos of my cute girlie's......My friend Laura made these dresses for the girls. So nice!!!
I have to give props to Grandma Jo.....I couldn't do Quilt Show and Quilter's Affair week without her help. She comes and stays at the house and helps with the girls. Next year she might need some help with three of them. We are so blessed to have our family around to be with our children.
The quilt hangers.....
......the first quilt to be hung......our favorite firemen on the side of the shop!!
They get a lot of help from the ground.......
This is Lawry's Gees's Bend Inspired Quilt - so different for her.
Mom's quilt.....
My quilt......I actually made one! It has been years since I have had the time (or made the time) to make a quilt for the employee challenge. It is hard to fit it in with market and then getting ready for the show but this year I was inspired. I love the quilts from Gee's Bend and I needed to make something for the baby. Not that he needs something but I needed the bonding experience that happens when you make something for someone. Especially that connection that happens when you make something for your baby. When I started we did not know what we were having. I love how it turned out and I am going to base the rest of his room around the colors in the quilt.
As the firemen finished hanging the quilts we were getting a photo of them and the Gee's Bend ladies showed up and wanted to be in the photo.
Some of the Gee's Bend quilts.
I don't get photos of mom I take them when I can.
Gwen and Freddy......they had a special exhibit at the show here are some of their quilts.
This is the last photo for today.....but there will be more tomorrow. Today is Miss Vi's 2nd birthday so we are going to have a little picnic party at the house for her tonight. We don't really do a party for 1 or 2, just us and mom and John. Next year we will do a party for her with her friends. I know I say this every year but wow I can't believe that she is 2, this year went so fast.
I am off to painting my spring collection (2010) I want to get it all done by mid August so that I can have baby thoughts rather than a deadline looming over my head. Then I can start working on next it fun to think up new ideas. I used to get so scared after I turned in a collection that I wouldn't have any new ideas but now I embrace the challenge. Getting older and wiser - I guess!
Have a great day!!!!

So many things going on......

Wow, there is a lot going on here in the studio. Where to start.....Tuesday, I was in the studio and had a very productive started with this quilt that I had been wanting to do based on the PomPom Dahlia. Here is what I have so far....
I am not much of a hand appliquer so I think that I am going to top stitch the petals down and then do some heavy quilting. I want to put this up in our newly painted entry way that is a greyish blue color. It should look pretty cool. It is a test quilt for one that I want to make out of my new Del Hi fabric. As I worked on this I also worked on a fabric design for the fall and a new painting. Here is the painting that I am almost done with.....
I am so excited about it - really a bit obessed to tell you the truth. There are days that I am so easily distracted with all of the different projects and ideas that I flitter around the studio back and forth. I figure as long as something gets done it can't be too bad. Anyway, what is next......My girlfriends little girl turned one last week and we were so privleged to be invited to her birthday.....the girls and I attened as Ross was at a Portland Trail Blazers basketball game. I felt very honored because we were the only people there that were not family. So, for Miss Vaughn's birthday I made her a dress from Amy's book Little Stitches.
Too Cute! I realize that I need to practice my sewing skills, this is my second attempt. I have the other one half ripped out as it needs some help. I had cut out two of them because I figured that Vi would look adorable in the dress - well good thing I did since I totally messed up the first one. I am determined to get better at sewing clothes. The girls need some cute clothes and it sure does save money.  Needless to say Andrea and Miss V. loved it. Can't wait to see her in it.
There is more to share but it will have to go into the next time - it is late and I should spend a little time with my hubby. We put the girls to bed and I started another painting and now am doing this post. Hope everyone had an awesome day!!!

Final Quilt Show photos.....

We are heading off to California tomorrow for a bit of a break.....we have some friends that have a cabin near Burney is a great place. Can't wait! But before we begin are the rest of the photos that I took from Quilt Show.......


This was part of the kids exhibit...the blue quilt was made by a friends little girl - Sierra - for her new baby brother...she even quilted it - at nine years old! Now she is working on three more for her friends that are triplets......




This was the featured quilter exhibit - Robin is a local gal who does amazing work. She uses a lot of dead fish......some funky process you'll see.......








that was the last one I got of Robin's quilt and I realize that I didn't even get a photo of her with her quilts......anyway on with the show.......




Look at those cute kids.....the little boy is my nephew, Braden....he looks a lot like my brother! Not that you can see him with the cap but he is actually smiling not making a funny face - just like my brother!

Vi and Ross - he was part of the Quilt Rescue Team - which didn't have much to do this year because the wind was mild and the quilts were put up really well. A lot of times in the afternoon we will get wind and it can blow the quilts down. So we have a great group of volunteers that  are around to help rescue quilts. 
Liv and Braden walking down the street in the afternoon. It was so cute......we have a photo of Braden last year walking down the street just about the same as this - so next year their will be three!
This was a cool series of quilts that I think was done on a challenge with a guild.....
By the afternoon there was this group of kids - young adults - that were raising money for a mission abroad. They were really the kids dancing and everything. Very impressive group of kids.



Town in the middle of the is truly amazing to have the street closed.....
This was our raffle quilt this year......


This is the last quilt - it is one of my mom's newest creations.....amazing - I sure do say that a lot but when you spend a day surrounded by all of this creativity all you can do is say amazing!!!
Our troopers at the end of the day....waiting patiently for us.....what good kids!! I hope all of you have a fabulous weekend.........

Quilt Show and more.......

Well back from the beach and now recovered from Miss Vi's first birthday yesterday.....she is full of spit and vinegar these days...moving all over the place. I think she was a bit too confined while we were camping and came home to let loose......I still can't believe that she is a year. WOW! Time really does fly by....
Before I share more Quilt Show photos I have to remember a dear, dear family friend that passed this weekend, Margaret Peters. She was like a grandma to me and a sister to my mom.....she was a great friend to the quilting community. She will be greatly - GREATLY - missed. My heart goes out to the family - especially Pete her husband. I just can't believe that I wont hear her voice again or see her smiling face. She gave the best hugs!!!! Anyway, before I start crying again I will post some photos..........










before the and I always go walking about 8 am....great time to see it all go up and it is not as hot or crowded. Although I have to say having the street closed it doesn't even feel crowded when it is mid day.


Mom and my brother fixin' a quilt......









Mom always has her notebook to take notes on areas to make better - better places for quilts or new places for quilts. Over the years this has been a huge benefit for us to make the best show possible.

Quite the line up at the local bakery....


I am going to leave you with this cute kitty quilt.....but not to worry I am only half way through all of the photos....more to come tomorrow - or if I really get all of my work done today I will post again tonight. You never know.....
Have a great day - hug the ones you love!!!!

The beginning of the 33rd Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show.........

PHEW!!!!! It is Wednesday night we are watching "So you think you can dance" they inspire me to want to workout more and with passion....and I love seeing what they come up with - so very talented!!! Anyway, I digress.......I'm a bit tired these has been crazy so I apologize in the delay in getting  photos to you....and I have to say that I have only a few to begin with - the rest are very large images that I have to size down to blog with. My personal feeling of the show was good; nice, calm energy - people of every age and gender out and about enjoying a beautiful day. I think having the main drag (so to speak) closed off to cars put a whole different approach to the show - you could really enjoy the event - I think it was one of my favorite shows we have had. I remember when I was a kid that I would lose my mom and panic! Still gives me the willies - especially since I have kids. Anyway there area a lot of different memories - we once took my double bed from my room and the night before quilt show we baked sheet cakes and decorated them. On the next day we put up my bed and put the sheet cakes in as the bed quilt. People at the Quilt Show got cake that day - I think I was 5 or 6....I would have to ask my mom..... OH my god could you imagine having enough cake for all of those that come now!! Ok - so I have had a glass of wine and I am rambling - we get to go camping tomorrow for the weekend and I am really excited. I get chatty when I am excited and then add a little wine.........Here are some photos.........
I will get more up soon when we get back to the beach....
Love to all - and thanks for all of the support!
6:30 am - coffee in hand shooting in the middle of the street - too cool!
7:30 the firetruck arrives to hang quilts.........4firefighters3b

7:45ish.....these are the Employee Challenge quilts - this years theme was Metamorphis which was the same as the Quilt Show Contest. My little piece quilt with the knitting was going to be my challenge quilt but alas I did not get it quilted.......Maybe next year!

The beginning for me....completing the hanging on the side of the building is always the beginning of the day for me....I go out and hang out with Sally Frey (she is one of our teachers at Quilter's Affair and she always is here to work with the firemen - they love her - we love her) I take photos and it just gets everything going....sip my coffee take a few to the rest of the day!!!