
Purging..... As a VERY sentimental person and avid collector purging is hard! Ross and I have been working on the house. Just feeling like less is more! It is a process especially for me. The house is starting to feel so good, so light.

I felt like my studio has been weighting me down. I keep having dreams about packing and cleaning. It is amazing all of the anxiety I feel in the dream and then when I wake up. Conclusion..... I am purging my studio. Trying to get rid of things I don't need and packing up some of the sentimental objects the are cluttering my space. It is a process and I have such a short attention span (no wonder my kids are that way) that I get bored easy.... Find myself doing other things. Like blogging! I look around and even the places that I have purged and cleaned still feel full. Frustrating! I am just trying to work my way through the space then go back if I need to. Oy Vey!

Now back to cleaning.... And PURGING!!! That needs to be the key word!
