Around the World Blog Tour...
Sue Spargo invited me to play in the tour.... Sue is a very talented lady and someone I admire.

This is Sue's recent class on Craftsy....Embroidery Texture and Dimension by Hand
Her embroidery and applique inspire me to be free when I create. Taking risks with mixing mediums and techniques.... Which fits right into what I am creating in my studio.
The studio is very busy and very messy....I wish I had a cleaning fairy! Fabric is exploding in here as I received all my Ashton Road fabric. I am thinking that I need to cut some off and give it away....wink, wink!
My new collection of fabric for Robert Kaufman - In The Bloom - will release at the end of the month. I am working hard in the studio with my sample yardage, creating quilts and projects to photograph and create a look book for the release of the fabric....

I can only give you sneak peak.....I promise to share more once the fabric is released. I am so, so, so excited about this collection.
I spent the weekend in Seattle with my girls and my mom. I was teaching at a shop - The Quilting Loft - in Seattle. It was so fun to be with Olivia and Violette experiencing all of the new things a city can offer...staying at a hotel in downtown, the American Girl Doll store, the Spaceneedle, Chihuly glass garden and of course Pike Street Market...I loved every second.

Teaching Silk Screening out of my new book....My Life in Fabric
Pictures from my class on Saturday. We had so much fun printing and playing with color.
My new work fills me with so much joy....teaching the silk screening class reminds me to do what I love and my work will show it.
My desire to work is as much about me as it is about my family.....they inspire me to be better at everything I do and everything I am....

Traveling this weekend with these two filled me with so much love and happiness I know I can do anything...they are my world.
My wish for you is inspiration and enjoy every moment!