Wrenly's Place.....

The booth is coming together in the garage. I'm having a cocktail party on Saturday to celebrate, and show my friends what I do. With market being in Salt Lake and we can drive it allows me to go all out. This is the first time that I have completed the booth before market, other than in my head. We all know what it is like to see something in your head and then it just doesn't work. Anyway, I'm heading back to the studio to finish up a few projects. Thank god for my husband helping me out with the kiddos and for being so supportive of me! I am lucky!

It's too bad I can't take Sophie to market, she would be a nice touch!

Wrenly's Place.....

A quick note....

Market is getting closer and closer.....and I am getting more and more frantic. I always think I am ahead of the game but then I feel that I am under the gun. UUGGHH!!I can tell when I have anxiety because I have a reoccurring dream about packing....I can't get every thing into the suitcase, or I'm running out of time to get to where I need to be and I can't get it packed quick enough. Funny what the brain does.....so a quick note on the market status. By the end of the week I am hoping to photograph the covers for the new patterns. Which means that I have all the patterns to the proper places and I can breath a bit......wish me luck!




Have a great day!




Wrenly's Place...the beginning...

An update on the March Modern Fabric Madness.....I didn't make it past the second round...but I lost to a great competitor, Kate Spain...and I love her fabric so not too bad.....

We started assembling the booth this weekend in the garage.....I am so excited I think I might burst! I thought I would share bits and pieces of how Wrenly's Place is coming together.

Eric is Carolyn's husband and a wonderful contractor. He was nice enough to build the booth for me. Ross and Teague helped him out as much as possible....


Once the booth was done we had a great dinner with Carolyn and the boys....taco's and sangria how can you go wrong.....now it is time to paint...

Now for a bit of fabric....

Ross asked me if I was making a parachute...."No", I said, " just a failed quilt idea that will end up on the back of the voile quilt." It was a great idea just haven't quite figured out how to make it work.

This is the beginning of the Voile quilt out of Wrenly....

Back to work!



Round 2......

Nest has made the second round.....YEAH and thanks to everyone who voted. As much as this is fun there is a little competition that comes out of me. I also get a anxious and self conscious......to be expected I guess.

Now here we go again....the voting starts today go to Fat Quarterly dot com and vote.....


I also have to announce I just made my first cut into Wrenly....it is always a moment when that happens it means the chaos of Market is beginning....I am so excited for my booth and my projects and I can't wait to share them with you. Soon, my friend I will share.



The second round & Wrenly....

Well thanks to all of you who voted for me, I made it to the second round of March Modern Fabric Madness! Yeah! The next round of voting will be on the 14th.....It looks like they have now added links to the fabric collections so you can see what they look like. Which is good, kind of a pain to google each collection. They are learning as they go on the best way to make this fun and the least amount of work. I think it is fun and I really appreciate all of your support. I will let you know when the next round comes about so that we can make it to the third round, wouldn't that be cool.....

I'm having one of those mornings where all I want to do is take a nap after my work out.....just a tough one. I am determined to keep going to lose the last of the baby weight...god it takes forever to get it off. I know I'm strong but just have a layer of LOVE on top of the muscle. The other night when I was cuddling with Olivia and she says to me, "Mommy you are getting skinny." "Thank you honey." I replied. "Well, mom," she pauses as to think about what she was going to say, "you had some larger parts!" Totally sincere in her words. "Well, that is true honey, it is from you, your sister, and your brother!" "Well, you are getting skinny like me." and she gives me a huge hug! You have to appreciate her honesty. Too funny.....makes me smile.

As I promised I have some photos of Wrenly.....right now just the quilting cotton. The home decorator and cotton voile are to come.....


The stack of cottons.....

Wren in Cobalt, Gypsy and Mandarin....

Ingrid in Cobalt, Gypsy and Mandarin...

Bloom in Citrus, Mandarin and Cobalt....

Mamma Birds in Mandarin, Cobalt, Gypsy and Violet....

Rosette in Cherry, Violet, Citrus and Cerulean.....

Wildfield in Cobalt, Citrus, Cherry, and Gypsy....

Boho Stripe in Cerulean and Cherry....

What do you think?? Now I just have to get a few other deadlines done and I can start making things out of this yummy new collection. I am truly happy with it...hard for me to say sometimes. I usually have some sort of criticism of it my fabric when it arrives but I am starting to enjoy it as it comes and know that it was the best I could do at the time. Learning to appreciate myself. Which is huge.....

Hope you have a great day!!



Wrenly.....in the house...

Well actually I'm in the Costco parking lot...but I just couldn't resist giving a quick look at the two large totes of fabric in the back of the car. Wrenly sample yardage is here!!! Yeah!!! FYI sample yardage is the fabric they fly into me to make things before the fabric hits the stores. Right now all the crates of lovely fabric are on the water from Korea. I will share more tomorrow. I am in the studio and I can start playing.
Have a great day!!!!

I am getting strange looks from other shoppers as I take photos of the back of my car filled with fabric.

Wrenly.....in the house...

Wrenly.....in the house...

Wrenly.....in the house...

Need your help.....

Hello my friends....I need your help! There is a great on-line magazine called Fat Quarterly and they have started a March Madness competition based on fabric....March Modern Fabric Madness. I am honored to say that I have been included in the top 64 fabric collections to be voted on by their readers. Help me win each round and get to the championships....with the hopes of the title......Here are the collections that they have put in the mix....Looks like I have two fabric collections that they feel are worthy (that is too cool) - if I am reading the brackets correct.

Nest....as you might recall is from this spring here is some images to refresh your memory.... Vw-28birdsteal








Looks like Nest will be first competing with a collection called Marine. Now I have not heard of this collection and am on a mission to see what it is. If anyone knows please let me know!!! This is on the first round March 2....that would be tomorrow!

The second collection is Bliss from this fall....





Looks like Bliss is competing with a collection called Queen Street. Again, I feel so out of the loop I don't know the fabric collection. If anyone knows of it please let me know so I can check it out. The competition for this one is March 6...that would be Sunday.

I am going to try to find out what the other collections look like and post them.....better hurry!

Now what do you think? Am I worthy....I think this is going to be fun even if I don't make it far I will keep my eyes on the competition and place my vote.

Love to all!!!


Meet Wren....

Happy Sunday! As we dream of Spring I think of the trees getting new leaves, the grass getting green and the warmer weather, I dream of my new fabric collection....I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of Wrenly sample yardage. It is always so exciting to get the big box of fabric from Korea. We take all of the fabric out of the box and lay it on the living room floor. The girls tend to roll around in it welcoming it to the family. I thought I would introduce you to the fabric as we await the package.....

This is Wren...she has been on my design wall for a couple of years awaiting her place in fabric. It took me some time to figure out how I wanted to incorporate the beautiful bird.

One of the crazy things about designing fabric is the timing....I did this collection last year, in the summer. In January I turned in my collection for this fall and am starting to work on next spring. I get really attached to my drawings that then turn into fabric and am completely immersed in them....then it gets sent off and you get into the next collection. As time rolls by you get strike-offs and then sample yardage which ignites all of those connections you had with the fabric when you were intensely working on it.

Here is Wren in her garden....

I am starting the reconnection with Wrenly and finding the excitement to touch and play with the fabric.....oh the sample yardage can't come quick enough....

Have a great Sunday!!! I am off to clean the house then move onto the studio....I have started a huge cleanse of the studio. I am even going through all of my fabric that I have had since I first started designing....13 years ago. Eventually I am adding a shopping cart to my web site and will be selling some of the archives. That just makes me chuckle thinking of that old fabric....more to come soon!




I have been meaning to tell you that Jenaveve has hit the shop!!! Yeah, we have it in the store ready to go to a good home....I also finished up a small pattern booklet to go with the fabric. We are trying to keep as much local as we can and support our community and I have to say it paid off our printer did such a great job on the booklet! Very exciting.....

Now in the lovely booklet are these projects....

The Anya bag....LOVE this bag my girlfriend Jules has made so many of these for friends it is amazing. Very simple yet gratifying....can't go wrong with a project like that!

Luna Quilt, fun, simple and perfect for a day out and about with the family.

And pillows - you can't have a quilt without good pillows. As I looked at my couch the other day and the pillows have been worn out by the kids I realize I need to make new pillows for the couch. With little kids I have decided that you can't just make pillows out of the quilting weight cotton you have to have something more durable. The next set to hit the Kennedy couch will be out of cotton linen or home decorator weight goods. Nothing like a sturdy pillow for a good pillow fight.....

I thought that I would also show you the swatches of Jenaveve to tempt you.....
















There you go my friends!! I want to spend some time making something for myself but I know my sample yardage for Wrenly is going to arrive shortly and my studio needs a cleaning. Studio cleaning seems to be normal in my world....I get so busy I can't seem to keep it clean. I have decided that I am going to totally re-arrange the studio and DEEP clean.....hope to get some help on the best way to re-arrange from Miss Carolyn. She has such a good eye and I know she will be able to help me come up with a more efficient set up. So many things to do and so little time.....

Happy Day!!!



Fabric Cave.....


I've been in the fabric designing cave for the past few weeks. Working on my fall collection of fabric! I am really excited about it and can't wait to show you but it will have to wait until I get some samples. It is amazing how I am working on this fabric but at the same time thinking about my booth for Spring Market and the Wrenly collection that is coming out this spring. So many things to think about and so many ideas! Oh thank god for the ideas....there are times in my life where I wonder if I am going to be able to come up with another collection or another quilt or another booth but then when it comes down to it I do! It is all so exciting these days with the work I am doing and there are times that I can't believe it is real! I have struggled for years with lack of confidence in my work and myself and finally I am getting there. Getting to the place that every artist dreams of, the land of confidence!!!

While I have been in the "cave" I have had lots of help from my kitties...they follow me everywhere when I am in the studio. When I was taking a break from drawing (my wrist has been aching)) I shot a couple of photos of the kitty helpers.

Lilly is not much help so she sleeps and purrs SO LOUD! Gotta love a purring happy kitty...I just wish I could nap with her.

Leo on the other hand is very frisky and he runs around harassing Sophie as much as possible. I think she secretly loves it.

Even though she acts like she is pissed off and being put out by the kittens! She also likes to eat my erasers on my pencils when I am not looking......not sure how good that is for her digestion.

I am not very good at being idle so there are a ton of projects going on in the studio....my girlfriend Andrea told me I need an intervention! She is probably right or maybe just an assistant!!! Anyhow, we have a new quilt contest with Quilt Show this year, Small Wonders. I really wanted to make a quilt for the contest, so this is what I have started....

The contest will benefit Quilt Show and our Parks and Rec in town. I am so excited to help SPRD (Sisters Parks and Recreational District) they have do so much for our community and our children in the community. We are hoping to get some of the kids to make some quilts for the contest.

I have attached some information from the Quilt Show web site for the Small Wonders contest just in case any of you would like to enter....I love the idea - it is like making doll quilts, they can't be smaller than 18" or bigger than 24". OH, so attainable for someone like me!!! It is fun to work on something like this nothing to do with my fabric but everything to do with my community and my family.

Well, back to the cave and the kitties!!



The Stitchin’ Post and Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show challenge you to create a "Small Wonder” quilt and donate it for a fundraiser benefiting Sisters non-profit organizations. These Small Wonders will be between 18” and 24” in size. The quilts will be displayed at the Sisters Library during the month of May where visitors will vote for their favorite. Prizes totaling $500.00 will be awarded and the quilts will be displayed and sold during Quilt Show in July. Proceeds from the Challenge will be divided between the show and Sisters Park & Recreation District which provides much needed recreational opportunities that benefit the health and wellness of the Sisters community, especially our youth. For rules and entry information click here. Quilts are due by April 15th

The rest of the best of 2010.....

Where did I leave off on my adventures of the past year.....OH yes, accomplishments....my mom had a huge accomplishment this year - I was a very proud daughter seeing my mom be inducted into the Quilter's Hall of Fame. Tears filled my eyes as she spoke of her lifetime of quilting, realizing that I have been apart of it for so many years.

she just glowed that night, it was great to see her so happy.

I have learned that I have to be happy with me and quit trying to please everyone else or I will never full fill my dreams or destiny that it is time to lead my life to the fullest.

Talk about an AHA moment! To quote Oprah...

The year had some normality's....Quilt Show to be exact....it came and went perfectly....

The kids enjoyed it to the fullest...

We had birthday milestones.....





we planted our garden and watched it grow....I loved the excitement from the kids to go out and see what had grown over night.....every evening we would spend hours outside in the garden - eating most of our produce raw and playing in the flowers and sand.....I enjoyed every second and found such peace in the laughter and silliness of my family.


I got more ink this summer for my Violette Grace...


and realized that I have to really control myself  not to pick!!! very bad habit....

We played in the ocean and sand.....the energy and excitement of the kids oozed over to us adults and we all got a little wet.


Sunbathing and cuddling became a norm in our house....


especially as we brought new family members home....



to my amazement it isn't too hard to have three cats, three kids and a puppy.....instead of being totally overwhelmed I am learning to embrace the chaos and laugh at it all......HUGE for me!

There were so many firsts this year......

the first guitar lesson...


the first soccer game.....I am officially a soccer mom, and a dance mom, and a Tae Kwon do mom and, and, and, and.....

The first day of school....for my baby.....

This winter I had an awesome opportunity to do something special for my girlfriends....two women that I have know since we were kids but it is only now that we have become such great friends. We were having a Christmas dinner at my house when Sondy pulled me aside and told me that she pulled Trea's name for their family secret santa and she really wanted one of my little bird paintings....How could I ever say no, I was honored! Well, funny thing is towards the end of the evening Trea pulls me aside and tells me how she got Sondy's name for secret santa and wanted one of my birdy paintings....I was so excited to get to do the paintings for them....and oh so wished I could be a fly on the wall when they opened gifts.

Luckily I had Julie (another girlfriend of ours) at the studio when I was painting and she mentioned it to Sondy's husband so he got a photo for me....kind of like being a fly on the wall.....

Sondy's bird....so perfect for her...

Trea's bird.....she loves green...

And the girls....

I loved being able to something that was so special to them, it filled me with joy and satisfaction.

So my friends this is it.....part of my year in photos......there are times I wish I could express more in words and find more time to share where I am and what I'm doing with you. For me this year has been filled with tremendous growth....I am proud of myself and who I am and who I am becoming as I believe that life is ever changing and so am I....thank you for all of your kind words over the past year and I hope to hear from you more.

find your beauty this year and push yourself in some way or another......

to a great 2011!!!
my love and gratitude!



Merry Christmas....a couple days late...

Merry Christmas to all!!! Running a bit late on the salutations....but I am running late on my Holiday Cards also. Good thing that they say Happy Holidays rather than Merry Christmas!

Here is the picture that comes with the card...

They are too cute! My girlfriend Sondy (who designs stationary) did our cards with some of my designs and then the photo of the kids. Love it...Love her!

Over the past few weeks I have been furiously making Christmas Presents. Still not done with a few of my Wish Birds but luckily I have some time this week to get them to my friends.

Some birds....


I made a bag for each bird to "wrap" them in. I couldn't think of any other way to wrap up the bird. My husband thought I was crazy to do so much but I just couldn't help myself. They have to look right and feel right for me otherwise I am not going to give them away....

For my girl Andrea.

For my mama.

In the meantime I received my strike-offs for my Spring Collection....want a sneak peak?!



It all looked wonderful! What a great Christmas gift!

Our day was so fun with the kiddos. Ross and I were so excited that we didn't sleep well....The morning 5:30 a.m. was filled with wonder and amazement of Santa and presents. The weather was pretty good so Ross, the girls, my parents and I hiked down into the canyon. There was defiantly some snow but manageable. The canyon and creek were absolutely beautiful. Couldn't believe that we hadn't been down there in ages. In the summer I am cautious of the rattlesnakes and cougars. Well, cougars anytime but there were a lot of us and the dogs. The girls did great in the snow until the end of the hike when we had to climb out of the canyon. I carried Olivia on my back and Ross carried Violette. Not sure how I got the bigger kid. Better work out for me with all the yummy food and drinks it was good calorie burn.

Now we are on a cleaning mode. We thoroughly went through the kids rooms yesterday. I am wondering how long all of my baskets will stay organized???!! Tomorrow will be the laundry room and what ever else we can get to. My pantry needs a good cleaning and mom gave me great containers for organizing it. Just have to get my motivation up for it. Cleaning is not one of my favorite things, I really have to get over that.

Now back to work before the kids get home from meme's and papa's.



Jenaveve photo shot day 1...

I'm sitting in Salt Lake City airport waiting to go home from market and I thought I would share our photo shot we did last week with Jenaveve. As you might remember I received the fabric on Monday.


The lovely, colorful box from Korea....it is so fun to open up the sample yardage boxes and see your hard work come to life in fabric.

Tuesday morning.....

Three Creeks lake the location for Jenaveve photo shot. It is so beautiful at the lake that day. Knowing that we only had a couple of days before the weather turned.....No one was at the lake and the water was perfectly still, clear, and cold.

Mom, Carolyn and I started scouting out the beach area for photo opportunities....


Mom decided since she had her camera that she would take "behind the scenes" photos....kinda fun, huh?


We laid out all 15 pieces of lovely cotton linen....oh so soft and yummy! I envisioned (with some help of Carolyn's brilliant mind) a clothes line of the fabric blowing in the wind.....now to find the trees to tie the rope onto.



It took some time to get all of the fabric on the rope....I didn't realize how heavy the fabric would be it really weighted down the line. But we did conquer it!

This was the final outcome...there were tons of photos taken but this is my favorite. As we were scouting out the area we noticed so many great possibilities for photos with the fabric.....the colors of the area were perfectly neutral. Does that make sense?


I love using my LenseBaby....it creates the soft affect on the edges. You can move and tilt the lense to pick your sweet spot. Too much fun!


The greens.....


Teal and grey.....

This print is the Tribal Floral...I just love it. I'm thinking that some pillows need to happen or maybe a chair...just have to find a chair to cover. Not like we have a lot of room for another chair....maybe something small. Anyway, I digress...

The reds......isn't it just perfect with the red of the stump?

There are a lot of rock "studies" going on up at the lake....I love taking photos of what others have left.

Around 2 p.m. we decided that to sew up as much of the projects on the list as we could knowing that Wednesday was going to be beautiful. Carolyn and I heading to my studio to make a skirt, quilt, bag and some pillows. Mom would come by later and pick up some of what we couldn't get done.....it was going to be fast and furious.

Carolyn and I had so much fun sewing and getting time to just be together. We hadn't spent time like this in ages....did I mention that we recently adopted two kittens and a puppy. Yep, chaos in the Kennedy house. But fun all the same....Carolyn had a heck of a time getting the skirt cut out with Lilly attacking the tissue.....

The final result for the postcard for Market ended like this.....

1Jenaveve Postcard
The back had swatches of all the designs and then we stapled a swatch of the fabric to the card. I thought that it would be good to have the fabric on the card. We are such a tactile group of people once you feel the fabric you will want it!

Tomorrow I will share the photos we shot with all of the projects...yep we even got them all done! Giving ourselves a big pat on the back......

Now I must catch a plane home. I can't wait to see the family!! YEAH!




Just a little tease of my new fabric...Jenaveve. It is cotton linen blend and oh so lovely! We just did an amazing photo shot yesterday at Three Creeks Lake. There will be more photos to come soon!


September...already...I mean really!!!

Wow, it is fall around here. The wind, cooler tempretures, school starting....this is the first year that we have had to even recongnize the school year....Olivia started kindergarten this year...wow she is 5.....I remember when she was born! Never thought that I would say that. Funny how you turn into your family without meaning too.

Well, mom and I had a great taping at Quilting Arts TV and I hope to get some photos soon. I will share I promise...once we were done with taping I sat down to work on my fabric while mom and I sat in the hotel...my computer decided to just quit. Yep quit..oh my god I couldn't believe it. My total mistake was that I hadn't backed up in 2 weeks or so...lots of new fabric designs were on my computer and not on my back up hard drive. Panic set in.....but at the same time I knew I couldn't do anything until I got home and called my Mac Doctor.

As we were coming home on Saturday I found out that our daycare was closing on September 30, 2010....thought someone smacked me up side the head. SH** what was I going to do with a 3 year old and a 11 month old...and the emotion hit me. I will admit that I had just started my period..I am an emotional gal so you can imagine. I cried all the way to Chicago....daycare, my computer, my hormones....I think that people were looking at me like I had just left my boyfirend or something like that.

I still don't know for sure what we are going to do for daycare. It is hard in a really small town to find good care! But life goes on and we will figure out what to do...I am trying to be stong and positive so that the kids don't know and so that I don't lose it. The week went on...Liv started Kindergarten...such a big girl. I am so proud of her. 

Then Vi got sick...high fever - 104- last night...I lost another day of work but on the good note I had a day with Miss Vivi.....we really kind of enjoyed getting to be together in spite of the circumstances. She is wonderful....I don't get much time to spent with her, it was lovely!!

It is now Thursday night.....listening to the football game on the TV, Ross and I just got home from our first parent teacher thingy...My dad and step-mom are in town and they watched the kids while we were gone...I am happy as a lark that my computer is home. All is well, some freak thing happened but I didn't lose anything and I am backing up every day. I am rolling with the punches....I have little control of somethings in my life and am dealing with it.... the best that an quirky, intense, artist type can. There are probably more words to describe my personality but I think that will do for now......Donkey (for those of you who don't watch Shrek there is a line - "That'll do Donkey." that we love to quote in our house.)

While I waited for my computer I was forced to get my butt in gear with my flannel...it has been sitting here calling me for weeks....Bliss...what am I going to do with you?  I figured out my "free pattern" for Free Spirit and a new Sewing Card and..... some new stuffed friends. I would say that maybe there was some good reasons to have the computer be out of comission for 5 days.


We do have the new flannel on our web site for pre-orders....I have decided that I LOVE the elephants...there is something about them....

Here are the other prints that I did for the flannel and some of them are also coming out in fleece... there are lots more colors I just picked one color from each design...







Life is crazy and I am reminding myself to breathe and to remember to just take the day and make the most of it. I am so being tested these days.....



Mama's helpers....

Today was a great day....just love days where you feel good - physically, mentally, all of it coming together in harmony. As corny as it sounds...

This morning I had some time to sew...along came my helpers. Liv, first, comes to help me trim threads then Vi joins in.....well, because her sisters was there. She just likes to put the presser foot up and down. At one point I left the machine to iron and when I came back the presser foot was up and I just didn't understand why I would leave it up. She looks at me innocently and says, "I did it mama." It was so matter of fact I had to laugh. Then there was the arrival of the little man at the side of my chair....I can sew with one hand....go figure. Mom was in the studio helping me out with some step-outs for a Quilting Arts TV program that we are taping early September. She looked at us and said no wonder you get so much done.....just keep working. I love that they enjoy being in the studio and that it isn't a bad place or a place that takes me away from them.

My mother is awesome....she watched the kids for me for an hour, so that I could go for a run. I am finally taking my body back. The cycle of pregnant or not pregnant is over, the not pregnant option for me. Thank you very much!!! Anyway, I have 20ish pounds that I would like to lose to get back to my before baby size. Granted I am sure some things will never be the same. I can at least lose the extra "baby Love" that I have. For the past couple of weeks I have been working out like a mad woman...and eating very healthy and just watching my calorie intake. I had a great run today because it finally felt like my body was kicking in....running doesn't hurt as bad as it did two weeks ago, it feels more effortless.

I wake up in the morning with the I don't want to work out conversation...but the other side reminds me that I am not going to reach my goal if I don't work hard. I am a strong woman I can do this. So, off I go....running down the street to the trails....I love to run the trails in Sisters. They are awesome.... Peterson Ridge Trail (aka PRT)...it is a Mt.Bike trail also so it has lots of fun movement to it.  



I only go about 4 miles on the trails and then back to mom's house. It was wonderful......Felt good and wow it was nice to just be by myself in my own head.....does that make sense? The kids and I had a great afternoon while Daddy-O was out golfing with his brother. There was just something about today everyone was in a good mood....and just enjoying what ever we were doing. ...I love these Sundays!

Now, I must show a rare photo of our deck....


With the beginning of summer I had these grandiose ideas for our deck - create something so we could have a table and chairs with a little cover from the sun. Living on the canyon we get a lot of wind and it is also summer in Central Oregon....we get wind. My idea was inspired by an article in Sunset Magazine - west coasters will know the magazine, it is regional. Anyway, they had a backyard that used pots and bamboo poles and canvas with table underneath and chairs. Well, I thought it would be awesome to have something like that on our deck. I got the pots planted and used wood poles that I stained a bluish green color then painted the canvas. Oh, I can't tell you how excited I was to put this up and sit outside with a glass of wine and shelter from the sun while the kids play in the back yard (just of to the left of the photo).

It was a great day when I went to put it up....no wind....at least that is what I thought! Wow, just a little wind and my pots were almost toppled. I had successfully made a giant kite. I pouted for quite a few weeks....Quilt Show came and went, along with most of July before I tried again. A friend of mine, Rob Appell, suggested that I cut holes in it to create flaps so that the air could move through it.....Brilliant!!! Just before the big Birthday party for Andrea, Vi and Myself was to start I decided to put it up and see what would happen. OH, YEAH, YEAH, YEAH it worked....I did a serious happy dance.....unfortunately it only lasted for 15 or 20 min when the wind picked up. I did get to enjoy every second that it was up...I sat in my chair with a sangria and smiled...... Next year I am getting bigger pots to put the posts in and I think I might take cable between the posts diagonally then put those little circles on the canvas to run the cable through....I really want to be able to make this work....some day. Just not this month with the deadlines that I have.....Well off to bed for me.....

Good night.....



Flannel and such...

Back to reality... We have had such a great vacation but I am a little tired after chasing the family for a week. You just forget how nice it is to have a little quiet... I guess I take it for granted sometimes. We did have fun and I enjoyed every minute!!!!
My new flannel collection Bliss is here in the studio just waiting for me to work with it....now I just have to figure out what I'm going to make....hhhmmmm so many possibilities.
I'm trying not to get overwhelmed with my list of to do's.... I had better get back to it.
Have a great day!!!

Flannel and such...

Flannel and such...

Sample yardage...

My sample yardage for the new Bliss fleece arrived today. The girls are having a blast playing with it.
Now I have to make something.....hhhmmmm What to do??

Had to add a cute photo of the boy!

Sample yardage...

Sample yardage...

Nest has arrived......

Wow, it has been crazy busy since market....I thought that I would slow down a bit after market but it seems like there is have more to do. The only good thing about having so much work is that it has been raining all week.  The garden is going to be green, not that there is much planted right now - potentially we will have frost again......summer.....aaahhhh I can't wait for you to arrive.

The good news NEST has arrived in the shop....yeah!! We are still waiting for the cotton voile and corduroy but I expect them soon. Carolyn did an awesome display of the fabric and quilts.....if I can just remember to bring in my camera I can get a photo of it. For now here are the free patterns for three of the quilts. The shop is going to be doing kits of the free patterns, I will let you know when they are available.....



Download NestPromo2010web-New 

Nest uses a lot of the fabric in the collection in a very simple quilt, the great thing about this it is that the fabric makes it look interesting and more complex than it is.



Download NestPromo-Willow-web

Willow uses the panel of birds and strips of a variety of fabrics all sewn together to make a non-traditional sashing. 



Download NestPromo-Robin-web

Robin take one large design and some solid to create a very contemporary quilt. Again it is simple but a very satisfying quilt to make. I really love being able to make a quilt in a day that is pretty cool. 

Ok, that is it for now kiddos.....I have to get some deadlines done and out of my hair. Quilt Show is fast approaching and I have to get out of this studio and into the shop.....

Have a great day!!

XOXO Valori