Some days it is hard for me to come up with just the right words to describe a color... or words at all. It is one of those days, I'm a little burnt out and on overload....
so I found this great poem....
"A Blue Jay
A blue jay's feathered back holds spots of white clouds
And soft, glistening blue.
Upon its wings is painted days of sapphires
And snowy flurries, too.
I peeked out beyond the open curtain
At the big, flowering rhododendron.
There a bright, silent blue jay landed suddenly.
Amoung our pink fairy blossoms it stopped by me,
Jewelled with patches of rich blue - perhaps a gift
From the azure sky.
We might even think some of pure heaven
Is in flight when blue jays fly.
This dappled blue jay then soon quietly moved from branch to branch
In the green blooming shrubbery outside my window.
By boughs of cool leaves like sheaths
All at once it paused for a moment
And surprisingly looked up at me from below."
This is the last instalment of Blueprint Summer... Next week starts Autumn.....
Tell me your favorite summer color to be entered to win some Summer Blueprint Basics.
Have a great day!