Happy New Year.....a little late.....

Welcome to 2011! It is starting out as crazy as last year. Is that something that just happens as we get older and have more responsibilities? I also consider technology a culprit in the crazyness, it seems I am always able to be in touch except on about 8 minutes of my drive to and from our house, no cell service. I remember when......we didn't drive with phones, home phones were connected to the wall, our computer was connected to the desk (no lap tops). I was wondering when the comment "I remember when" was going to come out of my mouth. Alas, technology has a huge roll in my life and I will have to learn to find a balance.

I recently was reading AnnaMaria Horner's blog post about 2010, she remembered her year in bits and pieces of good, bad, sad, happy all of those emotions. It made me reflect on my own year. What happened in 2010 that I remember...what made me cry, laugh, reflect, sing, dance..... I am not as eliquent with words as others but I do take some good photos and they can help me convey my feelings. Here you go my memories of 2010......(in no particular order just how I feel)

To start with something beautiful, my family....whom I love so much and have taught me so many things this year...

Patience, friendship, love, the art of dancing and singing just because you can.....and being silly



I watched my kids become less like babies and more like people - funny how that happens...

They became friends...beyond just being Sisters....


They painted with me...and now it is a constant request on the weekends - "can we paint?"

I watched my dad beam as Vivi learned to bake bread with him...it was so rewarding to give something to him in my children that he missed out on in me. Reminding me that forgiveness is so important in life and that if you don't learn to forgive you may miss out on something beautiful.


From the darkness of Winter we came into the beauty of spring....loving the time spent cuddling by the fire in the winter but anxious to be outside and plant and play...

even in my dark times I always had a part of me that knew it was all going to be alright....

Things broke in my life but even when broken they were beautiful in their own way and I learned something from each experience....

I found my love of photography again....not sure if I lost it or it was just quietly waiting for me to come back to it....

I was inspired to look at photos a little different....bubbles for instance...

Baby and bubbles...


and then there were the clouds....my fascination with clouds, I still love them and have recently bought myself a new "point n' shoot" that will take RAW images and is totally awesome - to put in my purse and have with me at all times. The iphone is great but does not do my vision much justice. My new canon will.



(along with clouds is my love of wine) I found times this year that just sitting and being was the most wonderful, rejuvination experience. Learning to quiet my mind and stop the chatter.....



Inspiration....oh where, oh where does it come from....


A trip to a zoo brings inspriation...

a bar in an airport.....

yarn....and of course my children and family....the most inspiring part of my life.




So many accomplishments, falls, highs and lows for the year....there will be more tomorrow.

