Beautiful Night...

It is amazing tonight... Cool breeze with air smelling like thunder storms in Central Oregon. The light is soft, grey but full of life. Looking at the canyon from the deck, Grey Butte in the distance... It is so peaceful, with the sound of the wind as it blows in waves.
I haven't enjoyed an evening like this in a long time. I think that a few more nights on the deck would be better for me than working....
We are getting ready to head out for vacation at a friends cabin in Northern California. It will be out 6th year at this cabin, the first week in August. We don't know the cabin in any other way. I wonder sometimes what it would be like in the winter with all the beautiful and full of life it is in the spring as all the vegetation comes into bloom, and the fall extravaganza of color as the leaves change. It is a very spiritual place that I connect to in a way that I have never experienced before.
For Ross and I it was the place we went to on our first trip when, freshly dating, where we spent the first few days of married life, where we took our oldest child on her first road trip, and our second, and now our third baby! Makes me smile to have those memories!
Well, feeling all sentimental.... Have a great night!!

Beautiful Night...