
Yep, I have been MIA for the past three-ish weeks.....fabric deadline. But it is off in the mail - YEAH! and I am able to breath a bit an move onto the next adventure. I am not sure why I get so self absorbed when I have these deadlines it is not like I don't know they are coming....it just seems like before I know it I only have a couple of weeks to finish. Maybe there is something about the pressure of a deadline that lights a  fire under my butt!! Anyway.....with the little man around it does take me a bit longer to get things done. All the nursing and changing and such.....right now he is just so cute with his smiling and cooing. I just want to play with him.

So we finally have the Lucy and Logan patterns in house......


They turned out so cute. I gave one to my niece, Sammy, for Christmas and my brother sent me a video the other day of her playing with it.....so cute. Makes me happy to know that she likes her Lucy.

Well, I have a hungry little man so I must go......more creative things to come!

