First, I just have to say to all of you mommy's out there - HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!! I feel so blessed to be a mom and I cherish my family every day! It is amazing to me how children remove a certain amount of selfishness and ego that comes with being young or a strong woman.....does that make sense? Anyway, I wish the best to all of those mom's out there and mom's to be and future mom's you know all of those great ladies that are a part of our you are a mom or not celebrate being a woman!
Here we are on mothers day and I shooed everyone out for a photo in between cooking dinner....I love to cook for people so I made homemade pasta, roast chicken and sausage with lots of fresh veggies, mom, John and Grandma Jo came to have was a nice evening and it made me happy to feed my weird I never thought I would be one of those people - that liked to feed and cook for people - but I love it. So gratifying......Then Monday rolled around and I picked up Miss Amy from the airport... we ended up hanging out with Miss Vi at the house all afternoon and I cooked dinner....again that satisfaction of feeding people......before we left for the lecture I had Ross take a photo of us....
We were definitely all smiles after a good meal and a little wine....the lecture was awesome - Amy is so generous and kind - we were very privileged to have her come to the shop.....I loved having my friend around....we headed to the new restaurant in town - Pleadies - to have a little girl time and some wine. It was so nice.....makes me sad that she lives so far away from me.....anyway, next time it is my turn to visit least I get to see her in a couple of days at market.......
Speaking of market I am - I think - ready!!! Well, to be honest I haven't packed my suitcase but I know what I am wearing.....isn't that what matters most. I have the girls packed and the booth organized at the shop...we load up tomorrow and take the caravan to Portland.....I am nervous (usual response for me just before market) and excited (not a usual response) maybe I am gaining more confidence and security in who I am - embracing who I am........tough thing but I am working on it.
OH - my friend Carmen came to the lecture last night and gave me a card for mother's day with two great flash cards.......
working Mother - is that not perfect!! SO I put it on my bulletin board with all my photos of family - right in front of my cutting table.....I love it! Makes me smile - Thanks Carmen!!! You rock!!!
Well, I am going to try to post while I am at market but I cannot promise but I can promise lots of photos for later.....take care!
Have a great day!